How aesthetically the rain chain delivers rainwater to the ground is an important key when selecting your rain chain. The rain chain I would like to introduce to you today is from a video clip I received from a resident in the United States, our rain chain called Tama.


You can see that water is flowing in the center without dispersion and this is because there is a part installed in there that directs water to the middle.


This part is installed to the center of every chain piece, collecting water every time as water flows from piece to piece, making it possible for such a beautiful water flow.



Since the particular part is made of stainless steel, the metal will endure severe environment on a long term basis where rain might fall frequently.


The inner part is also used on other products as well, such as on Toh and Ta-ke where the same elegant water flow is achieved.



As you can see, when selecting the right rain chain, in addition to design, water flow could be another deciding factor.