A home in Tahiti
Tahiti is located in the Southern Pacific Ocean and this Polynesian Island is one of the favorite resort destination in the region and known as the place where the famed artist Paul Gauguin had lived. A vacation home on this Island installed one of our rain chain.

As the married couple visited Japan, they were delighted to discover Japanese rain chains and we received an order straight from their hotel room.
In the picture shown, our rain chain named Migumo can be seen attached to the pool side of the house in Tahiti. The rain chain with Eastern taste provides a contrast to the Western style building, adding vividness to the scenery.
In recent years, Japan has gained a reputation for owning its own unique culture not found in the West, and has been attracting many tourists from across the globe.
Traditionally, rain chains have been created to enjoy Japan’s four seasons, including the rainy season, evening shower or autumn rain as well. So, upon visiting Japan, please enjoy each characteristic of rain fall in variety of seasons with the exquisiteness of rain chains that are attached to buildings when you have a chance.